Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK)#
Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) is a digital modulation technique in which the frequency of a carrier signal is varied to represent distinct symbol states. Each symbol is associated with a specific (sub) carrier frequency.
FSK Waveform#
The FSK signal can be expressed as
\(\mathcal{E}\) is the signal energy,
\(T\) is the symbol duration,
\(f_c\) is the carrier frequency,
\(\Delta f\) is the frequency separation between successive signals,
\(m\) indexes the different frequencies.
The lowpass equivalent of \(s_m(t)\), denoted \(s_{m,lp}(t)\), is given by
Note that, \(s_m(t)\) is a real-valued, bandpass waveform (a cosine at frequency \(f_c + m \Delta f\)).
By contrast, the lowpass-equivalent signal \(s_{m,lp}(t)\) is complex-valued, capturing the in-phase and quadrature components of the bandpass signal at baseband.
Orthogonality of FSK Signals#
Correlation of Two Signals#
The correlation of the lowpass equivalents \(s_{m,lp}(t)\) and \(s_{n,lp}(t)\) is calculated as
Evaluating this integral yields:
Taking its real part, we have
where \(\mathrm{sinc}(x) \equiv \dfrac{\sin(\pi x)}{\pi x}\).
Proof: See Appendix.
Condition for Orthogonality#
For orthogonality, we need this inner product to be zero for \(m \neq n\). Hence,
Since the nonzero constant \(\tfrac{2\mathcal{E}}{T}\) just scales the expression, the condition boils down to
Zeros of the Sinc Function
Recall that
has zeros at all nonzero integer values of \(x\), i.e.,
Minimum Frequency Separation#
Adjacent Frequencies:
For \(M\)-FSK, the frequencies are typically spaced in increments of \(\Delta f\). Adjacent signals correspond to \((m-n)=1\). So the simplest (lowest nonzero) orthogonality condition is
In other words, for adjacent frequency indices \(m\) and \(m+1\), the separation must be
(if we choose \(k=1\) for the first zero of \(\mathrm{sinc}\)).
General \(k\)-multiple:
More generally, we could choose
But the minimum spacing that still guarantees orthogonality for adjacent channels is with \(k=1\). This is why we say
Orthogonality in Baseband and Bandpass#
Because the bandpass signals \(s_{m}(t)\) differ by frequency increments of \(\Delta f\), their lowpass equivalents differ by the same increments in baseband (just “shifted” from the carrier). The condition
ensures pairwise orthogonality of \(\{s_{m,lp}(t)\}\). It equally implies the real bandpass signals \(\{s_{m}(t)\}\) are orthogonal (their integrals over one symbol period vanish). Thus, no symbol‐to‐symbol interference occurs when \(\Delta f\) meets or exceeds that minimum value.
Energy of FSK Waveform#
When \(m = n\), we are effectively taking the autocorrelation of the same signal \(s_{m,lp}(t)\) with itself. In that case, the exponential term inside the integral becomes
so the integral simplifies to
Given the factor \(\frac{2\mathcal{E}}{T}\) out front, the correlation becomes
Thus, when \(m=n\),
The correlation is nonzero and equals the signal energy \(2\mathcal{E}\).
This makes sense physically: the energy of the signal over one symbol interval is \(2\mathcal{E}\) (based on the factor \(\sqrt{\tfrac{2\mathcal{E}}{T}}\) in the signal definition).
Hence, orthogonality pertains only to the case \(m\neq n\). When \(m=n\), the “correlation with itself” is simply the (nonzero) autocorrelation/energy of that signal.
Direct Derivation of the Energy of the Bandpass Waveform#
Given Definitions
Bandpass FSK signal:
\[ s_m(t) = \sqrt{\frac{2\mathcal{E}}{T}} \cos \bigl(2\pi f_c t + 2\pi m \Delta f t\bigr), \quad 0 \le t \le T \]Complex baseband equivalent:
\[ s_{m,lp}(t) = \sqrt{\frac{2\mathcal{E}}{T}} e^{ j 2\pi m \Delta f t} \]
Energy of \(s_{m,lp}(t)\)
The energy of the complex lowpass signal \(s_{m,lp}(t)\) is
Thus, its complex representation has total energy \(2\mathcal{E}\).
Energy of \(s_m(t)\)
The real bandpass signal is
where \(\omega = 2\pi (f_c + m \Delta f)\).
To find its energy over \(t \in [0, T]\):
Inside the integral, \(\cos^2(\omega t + \phi)\) has an average value of \(1/2\) over an integer number of cycles. For FSK over one symbol interval \(T\), we typically choose \(\omega\) (or \(\Delta f\)) so that the signal completes an integer number of half‐cycles or full cycles, making
So the passband signal \(s_m(t)\) has total energy \(\mathcal{E}\).
The baseband equivalent signal \(s_{m,lp}(t)\) is a \(\textit{complex}\)-valued representation: it keeps track of the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components. In this representation, the “energy” is found by integrating \(\lvert s_{m,lp}(t)\rvert^2\), and turns out to be \(2\mathcal{E}\).
The actual physical (bandpass) signal \(s_m(t)\) is \(\textit{real}\). Because the complex representation effectively accounts for two orthogonal dimensions (I and Q), it naturally has twice the energy when viewed as a complex 2D vector. In the real bandpass world, we only send one dimension (the cosine), so the integral of \(s_m^2(t)\) over the symbol interval is \(\mathcal{E}\).
Hence, seeing a factor of 2 difference between the energies of the complex baseband signal and the real passband signal is completely normal in digital communications.
Orthonormal Basic for FSK#
We construct an orthonormal basis for orthogonal M‐FSK waveforms and then represent each FSK signal as a point in an \(M\)‐dimensional Euclidean space.
We assume that the frequency separation \(\Delta f\) is chosen so that the signals \( \{s_m(t)\} \) are pairwise orthogonal over the symbol interval \([0, T]\). In particular, the minimum spacing ensuring orthogonality of adjacent frequencies is
Definition of the FSK Signals
We start with the real, bandpass M‐FSK signals:
\(\mathcal{E}\) is the energy parameter used in normalizing the signals,
\(T\) is the symbol duration,
\(f_c\) is the carrier frequency,
\(\Delta f\) is the frequency separation between adjacent FSK tones (typically \(\Delta f = \tfrac{1}{2T}\) for minimum orthogonal spacing).
Constructing the Orthonormal Basis \(\{\phi_k(t)\}\)
To form an orthonormal set of basis functions that spans all \(M\) FSK signals, define for \(k = 1,2,\dots, M\):
Consider the inner product over one symbol interval,
By design—assuming \(\Delta f\) is chosen such that different tones are orthogonal—these basis functions satisfy
where \(\delta_{k\ell}\) is the Kronecker delta (1 if \(k=\ell\), 0 otherwise).
Each \(\phi_k(t)\) has unit energy:
(This follows from the factor \(\sqrt{2/T}\) in front of a \(\cos^2\) function, which integrates to \(T/2\) over the interval.)
Hence, \(\{\phi_k(t)\}_{k=1}^M\) is an orthonormal set in the real signal space.
Expressing \(s_m(t)\) in Terms of \(\{\phi_k(t)\}\)
Observe that
Compare this with
If we choose the index consistently (say we shift \(m\to m-1\) in the definition of \(\phi\) or vice versa), each \(s_m(t)\) differs from its corresponding \(\phi_m(t)\) only by an amplitude factor \(\sqrt{\mathcal{E}}\). Indeed:
But if we re‐label or if we define
(depending on indexing), we get exactly the same waveform shape with amplitude \(\sqrt{2\mathcal{E}/T}\). The key takeaway is:
Hence, each FSK signal \(s_m(t)\) is essentially \(\sqrt{\mathcal{E}}\) times one of the orthonormal basis functions \(\phi_m(t)\).
FSK Signal Space#
Mapping to an \(M\)‐Dimensional Euclidean Space
Once we have an orthonormal set \(\{\phi_k(t)\}_{k=1}^M\), any signal \(x(t)\) living in the span can be written uniquely as:
The coordinate of \(x(t)\) in this \(M\)‐dimensional space is
\(\bigl(\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_M\bigr)\).If \(x(t) = s_m(t)\), then all but the \(m\)th coordinate will be zero, and that \(m\)th coordinate will be \(\sqrt{\mathcal{E}}\). Symbolically,
\[ s_1(t) \longmapsto (\sqrt{\mathcal{E}}, 0, 0,\dots, 0) \]\[ s_2(t) \longmapsto (0, \sqrt{\mathcal{E}}, 0,\dots, 0) \]\[ \quad \dots \quad \]\[ s_M(t) \longmapsto (0, 0, \dots, 0, \sqrt{\mathcal{E}}) \]
Therefore, orthogonal M‐FSK can be viewed geometrically as placing each symbol at a vertex of an \(M\)‐dimensional simplex whose edges have length \(\sqrt{2 \mathcal{E}}\). Each symbol waveform is “one basis function turned on” (multiplied by \(\sqrt{\mathcal{E}}\)).
Euclidean and Minimum Distance#
We compute the pairwise Euclidean distance between FSK signals (assuming they are orthogonal) and determine the minimum distance.
Definition of the FSK Signals
Consider an \(M\)-ary FSK system with signals:
Each signal has energy
(As discussed previously, the factor \(\sqrt{\tfrac{2\mathcal{E}}{T}}\) in front of a cosine means each real passband signal integrates to \(\mathcal{E}\) over the interval \([0,T]\).)
We assume \(\Delta f\) is chosen so that the signals \(\{s_m(t)\}\) are orthogonal—i.e.,
Euclidean Distance Between Two FSK Signals#
In signal space, the squared Euclidean distance between two distinct signals \(s_m(t)\) and \(s_n(t)\) is given by
Expanding this:
Using orthogonality, we have:
Minimum Distance#
Because all pairs of distinct signals are orthogonal and have the same energy \(\mathcal{E}\), their pairwise distances are all the same, namely \(\sqrt{2 \mathcal{E}}\). Therefore, the minimum distance (among all possible pairs) is
In an \(M\)-FSK constellation (with ideal orthogonality), every pair of signals is separated by the same distance \(\sqrt{2 \mathcal{E}}\).
Geometric Interpretation#
When mapped into an \(M\)-dimensional orthonormal basis (each basis vector corresponding to one frequency tone), the signals \(s_m(t)\) simply become vectors whose coordinates are all zero except for the \(m\)th entry, which is \(\sqrt{\mathcal{E}}\). For example:
Each vector thus has length \(\sqrt{\mathcal{E}}\). The distance between any two distinct vertices in this orthonormal “simplex” is
Minimum Distance in terms of \(\mathcal{E}_b\)#
The minimum Euclidean distance of orthogonal M‐FSK signals can be expressed in terms of the energy per bit \(\mathcal{E}_b\) as follows.
Relationship Between \(\mathcal{E}_s\) (Energy per Symbol) and \(\mathcal{E}_b\) (Energy per Bit)
For an \(M\)‐ary scheme, each symbol carries \(\log_2(M)\) bits. If \(\mathcal{E}_s\) denotes the energy to send one symbol, and \(\mathcal{E}_b\) denotes the energy to send one bit, the relationship is:
This simply says that the energy for a symbol of \(\log_2(M)\) bits is \(\log_2(M)\) times the energy per bit.
Minimum Distance of Orthogonal M‐FSK in Terms of \(\mathcal{E}_s\)
For orthogonal M‐FSK, each signal (of duration \(T\)) has energy \(\mathcal{E}_s\). The pairwise Euclidean distance \(d(m,n)\) between any two distinct signals \(s_m(t)\) and \(s_n(t)\) is
Because all signals are mutually orthogonal, all pairs have the same distance \(\sqrt{2\mathcal{E}_s}\). Hence,
Expressing \(d_{\min}\) in Terms of \(\mathcal{E}_b\)
Using \(\mathcal{E}_s = (\log_2 M) \mathcal{E}_b\), substitute into \(d_{\min} = \sqrt{2 \mathcal{E}_s}\):
Linear vs. Nonlinear Modulation#
In linear modulation schemes (e.g., ASK, PSK, QAM), the sum of two signals is still a valid signal within the same modulation scheme.
In nonlinear modulation schemes like FSK, this is not true because the frequencies used in FSK are distinct, and the sum of two FSK signals does not belong to the same scheme.
Appendix: Derivation of The Correlation of Two FSK Signals#
We have two lowpass signals:
The correlation (inner product) over \(0\le t \le T\) is defined as
\(\bigl(s_{n,lp}(t)\bigr)^{*} = \sqrt{\tfrac{2\mathcal{E}}{T}} e^{- j 2\pi n \Delta f t},\)
we get
Thus, we have
Next, we evaluate
That is,
A common way to rewrite \(e^{j\alpha} - 1\) is
Let \(\alpha = 2\pi (m-n)\Delta f T.\) Then
Thus, we have
Real Part of the Correlation
We now want $$ \mathrm{Re} \Bigl[\langle s_{m,lp}(t), s_{n,lp}(t)\rangle\Bigr]#
\mathrm{Re} \biggl[ \frac{2\mathcal{E}}{T} \frac{\sin\bigl( \pi T (m-n) \Delta f\bigr)} {\pi (m-n) \Delta f} e^{ j \pi T (m-n) \Delta f} \biggr]. $$
Let \(\theta = \pi T (m-n) \Delta f\). Then
Hence, the real part is
Expressing in Terms of \(\mathrm{sinc}(\cdot)\)
Recall the standard definition:
In our case,
More precisely,
Hence if we let \(x = T (m-n) \Delta f\), then
Thus, we have