Parameter Estimation in White Gaussian Noise#
Assume that \( k \) samples of the measured signal \( y_i \), taken over a period \( T \), are real with
\( \alpha \) is the parameter to be estimated
\( s_i(\alpha) \), \( i = 1, \ldots, k \), are samples of the signal
\( n_i \), \( i = 1, \ldots, k \), are samples of zero-mean, white Gaussian noise with variance \( \sigma^2 \).
Note that \(\sigma^2 = N_0 B\) for passband.
Let \( \vec{y} \) be the set of samples \( y_i \), \( i = 1, \ldots, k \).
The pdf \( p(\vec{y}|\alpha) \) can be expressed as
MAP Estimation#
A MAP estimate of \( \alpha \) can then be obtained by finding the maximum of \( \ln p(\alpha|\vec{y}) \) or equivalently, by finding the maximum of \( \ln[p(\vec{y}|\alpha) p(\alpha)] \), i.e.,
Pluggin \(p(\vec{y}|\alpha)\), a MAP estimate to be obtained as the solution to
To proceed further, the form of the signal and the a priori pdf \( p(\alpha) \) (if \( \alpha \) is random) must be known.
ML Estimation#
An ML estimate can be obtained by finding the maximum of \( p(\vec{y}|\alpha) \) given \(p(\alpha)\) is unknown.
Thus, the ML estimate results by finding the solution to
MSE Estimation#
An MSE estimate can be obtained by computing
where the pdf \( p(\alpha | \vec{y}) \) is determined by Bayes’ rule, i.e.,
From the condition probability (the A Posteriori), we have
where the constant
is independent of the parameter \( \alpha \).
Continuous versions of these results can be obtained by utilizing the procedure outlined in Chapter 5 (e.g., multiply with \(\Delta t\)).
For example, the MAP estimate above can be expressed in continuous form by
where \( T \) is the measurement interval.
Minimum Variance#
We use the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) to compute the minimum variance of an unbiased estimator \( \hat{\alpha} \).
We have the log-likelihood is:
Score Function
The score function is the derivative of the log-likelihood with respect to the parameter \( \alpha \):
\( \frac{\partial s_i(\alpha)}{\partial \alpha} \): Sensitivity of the model output \( s_i \) to changes in the parameter \( \alpha \).
The term \( (y_i - s_i(\alpha)) \) captures the residual between the observed data and the model prediction.
Fisher Information
The Fisher information is computed as the expectation of the square of the score function:
Substituting the score function:
For white Gaussian noise, \( E[n_i n_j] = \sigma^2 \delta_{ij} \) (where \( \delta_{ij} \) is 1 if \( i = j \), and 0 otherwise). This simplifies the double sum to:
Cramér-Rao Bound
The second derivative of the log-likelihood function \( \ln p(\vec{y}; \alpha) \) with respect to \( \alpha \) is related to the curvature of the log-likelihood function.
This is given by:
The log-likelihood function generally has a maximum at the true parameter value \( \alpha \), because it represents the parameter value that maximizes the probability of observing the data \( \vec{y} \).
Near the maximum, the log-likelihood curve bends downwards, which means the second derivative is negative.
Thus, The Fisher information is defined as:
Here, the negative sign ensures that the Fisher information is positive, as the expected value of the second derivative is typically negative.
The variance of an unbiased estimator satisfies the inequality:
where the Fisher information \( \mathcal{I}(\alpha) \) is computed as:
Substituting this into the CRB inequality leads to:
which is defined in Chapper 3.
Back to our problem
Substituting \( \mathcal{I}(\alpha) \):
The minimum variance for any unbiased estimator \( \hat{\alpha} \), denoted \( \sigma^2_{\text{min}}(\hat{\alpha}) \), is therefore:
Continuous Case
If the data is continuous over time rather than discrete, the summation is replaced by an integral:
This generalizes the result to cases where \( s(t, \alpha) \) is a continuous signal.