Criteria for Multiple Sample Detection of Binary Hypotheses#
Each decision criterion—Bayes, MAP, Minimax, and Neyman-Pearson—can be effectively extended to handle multiple measurements by adapting their respective decision rules and thresholds to accommodate the higher-dimensional data involved.
Bayes Criterion#
The Bayes criterion for handling multiple measurements extends naturally from its single-measurement counterpart.
Definition of Bayes Risk:
The Bayes risk is expressed as:
\( P_{11} = 1 - P_{01} \)
\( P_{10} = 1 - P_{00} \)
The probabilities \( P_{00} \) and \( P_{01} \) are defined by the integrals:
These integrals are similar to those in the single-measurement case but are extended to a \( k \)-dimensional vector \( \vec{y} \).
Simplified Bayes Risk:
The Bayes risk can be rewritten as:
To minimize \( r \), we seek the volume \( R_0 \) in \( k \)-space that achieves this minimum.
Decision Threshold
Decision Rule:
Choose \( R_0 \) such that:
This leads to a likelihood ratio decision rule:
In summary, the decision rule based on the combined notation is:
MAP Criterion#
When the costs associated with decisions are unknown, the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) criterion is applied.
Equivalence to Cost Setting:
The MAP criterion is equivalent to assuming that the cost differences satisfy \( C_{10} - C_{00} = C_{01} - C_{11} \).
Threshold and Decision Rule:
Under MAP, the threshold is determined by:
The corresponding decision rule is:
This means that if the likelihood ratio \( L(\vec{y}) \) exceeds \( \eta_{MAP} \), decision \( D_1 \) is made; otherwise, \( D_0 \) is chosen.
Minimax Criterion#
The minimax approach for multiple measurements mirrors the single-measurement scenario.
Extension to Multiple Measurements:
All principles applicable to single measurements in detection theory are valid for multiple measurements. The key difference is that the single-measurement likelihood ratio \( L(y) \) is replaced by the multiple-measurement ratio \( L(\vec{y}) \).
Minimax Decision Rule:
The minimax decision rule, which minimizes the maximum possible risk, is formulated as:
Typically, a randomized decision is employed to determine the exact value of \( \eta \). The threshold \( \eta_{mm} \) is established using methodologies from single-measurement detection theory.
Neyman-Pearson Criterion#
Similar to the minimax approach, the Neyman-Pearson criterion for multiple measurements builds directly on the single-measurement framework, ensuring that the false-alarm rate remains below a specified level \( \alpha_f \).
Adaptation to Multiple Measurements:
By replacing the single measurement \( y \) with the measurement vector \( \vec{y} \) and extending the integrals to \( k \)-dimensional spaces, the Neyman-Pearson derivation seamlessly applies to multiple measurements.
Neyman-Pearson Decision Rule:
The decision rule under the Neyman-Pearson criterion, which may involve randomized tests, is given by:
This rule ensures that the probability of a false alarm does not exceed the predefined threshold \( \alpha_f \).