Tutorial: Differentiable Communication Systems Using Sionna

Tutorial: Differentiable Communication Systems Using Sionna#

  1. Binary Source Generation:

    • A binary source is created to generate random, independent, and identically distributed (i.i.d.) binary sequences.

    • Code: binary_source = sionna.utils.BinarySource().

  2. QAM Modulation:

    • The generated binary sequences are mapped to QAM symbols using a trainable constellation.

    • The constellation can be made trainable by setting the parameter trainable=True during instantiation.

    • Code:

      constellation = sionna.mapping.Constellation("qam", NUM_BITS_PER_SYMBOL, trainable=True)
      mapper = sionna.mapping.Mapper(constellation=constellation)
  3. Transmission through AWGN Channel:

    • The QAM symbols are transmitted over an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel.

    • Code: awgn_channel = sionna.channel.AWGN().

  4. Demodulation and Bit Recovery:

    • The received signal is demodulated to recover the transmitted bits.

    • Two demapping methods are employed:

      • Baseline LLR Demapper: Computes the Log-Likelihood Ratios (LLRs) to decode the bits. This serves as the baseline for comparison.

        • Code: demapper = sionna.mapping.Demapper("app", constellation=constellation).

      • Neural Demapper: A deep neural network (DNN) with three dense layers is used to predict the bit sequences directly from the received signal. The final layer outputs logits (LLRs).

        • Code:

          class NeuralDemapper(Layer):
              def __init__(self):
                  self.dense_1 = Dense(64, 'relu')
                  self.dense_2 = Dense(64, 'relu')
                  self.dense_3 = Dense(NUM_BITS_PER_SYMBOL, None) # Outputs logits, i.e., LLRs
                  return llr
        • The neural demapper is trained using a Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) loss function:

          • The BCE loss compares the true bits (bits) with the predicted logits (llr) output by the neural demapper.

          • Code:

            bce = tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
            loss = bce(bits, llr)
  5. Performance Evaluation:

    • The performance of both demappers is evaluated based on the Bit Error Rate (BER).

    • The neural demapper is benchmarked against the baseline LLR demapper using BER plots.

    • Code for performance evaluation:

      ber_plots = sionna.utils.plotting.PlotBER("Neural Demapper")
      ber_plots.simulate(baseline, ebno_dbs=np.linspace(EBN0_DB_MIN, EBN0_DB_MAX, 20), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
      ber_plots.simulate(neural_demapper, ebno_dbs=np.linspace(EBN0_DB_MIN, EBN0_DB_MAX, 20), batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
    • Results indicate that the neural demapper achieves performance comparable to the baseline LLR demapper.
